An Altmer noble - by Aleksander Karcz; ©Fantasy Flight Games

An Altmer looking over tomes - by Magali Villeneuve; ©Fantasy Flight Games

An Altmer playing the harp - by ©Bella Bergolts
Altmer, also called high elves, are the native Mer of the Summerset Archipelago, the southwesternmost region of Tamriel. They are among the most cultured and advanced peoples of the continent, and maintain a healthy degree of separation from the other races of the vast continent. Due to their advanced culture and relatively high opinion of themselves, they are often considered 'haughty' by foreigners who mistake their high level of culture and sophistication for rudeness.
Altmer are among the longest-lived races of Mer, able to live up to 300 years without the aid of magic.
Altmer are considered the tallest living race of mortals, their average height being around six feet and a few inches. This was also the average height of the Aldmer, Ayleids, and Chimer, though those three races have all gone extinct, leaving the Altmer as the tallest race of mortals on Tamriel.
Many Altmer are well versed in magic, and for the most part hold great respect the practice, which is usually practised by scholars and intellectuals. The sapiarchs of the College are a well-established force in Altmeri society, pratising and teaching magic to those chosen to join their ranks.
The Altmer of the Summerset Archipelago, like their Aldmeri ancestors, refer to their monarchs as 'your Grace' rather than 'your Majesty', though the latter is ocassionally used due to influence from the Empire. This customary usage of 'your Grace' extended to virtually all elven kingdoms of the Merethic and First Eras, who also referred to their monarchs in such a manner, and continues to this day.
Culinary Arts[]
High Altmeri society has several customs regarding one's behaviour at the dinner table. Such customs are by no means practised by all nobles, though is prominent enough among the nobility for foreign dignitaries to learn when travelling to the archipelago. These customs include refilling the glass of the diner to your left when it is low; never refilling your own glass. This is typically not practised if servants are present, as they would handle such trifles. Additionally, utensils should never be rested on the edge of any vessel. One should also not eat more than the most prestigious attendee at any function. One should always allow the head of their table to lead the discussion. Watching another as they chew can be considered rude. Some particularly high-strung individuals might consider using the wrong utensil barbaric. If one does not know which to use, they would watch other guests and follow their example.
Soaring and graceful; or static and repetitve: high elf architecture divides Imperial critics much like a painted cow at a Reachman feast.
—writings of Gastinus Florus