The Legendarium
Allegiance Greybeards
Culture Nord
Born In the Fourth Era

Arngeir is a powerful member of the Greybeards in Skyrim, residing in High Hrothgar. He is the only member of his order with enough control over his thu'um to speak normally, making him the de facto speaker for his brothers. He is also considered the right hand of Paarthurnax, who serves as the Grandmaster of the Greybeards.

He is known for having tutored Ulfric Stormcloak, who was chosen to be a new member of the order when he was a boy. However, Ulfric eventually left the Greybeards when the Great War broke out between the Empire and Aldmeri Dominion. Ulfric doubts whether Arngeir had ever forgiven him for abandoning the order, as well as for using the thu'um sacrilegiously in the pursuit of power, rather than in worship of Kyne.

Appearance and Character[]

By the year 4E 201 Arngeir was an old man, although it is not clear how many years old he truly is. His skin has grown wrinkled, and his dirty-blond hair turned mostly grey. He has piercing grey-blue eyes and defined cheekbones, made gaunt over his many years of life. He typically wears his beard as a long goatee tied onto itself beneath his chin. He otherwise wears the long grey cloaks of his order, which are lined with black and grey fur, and which have hoods covering the head and casting the face in shadow. His robes, like those of his brothers, bear embroidered Nordic motifs and runes, and are believed to be made out of simple materials like cotton and wool.

Arngeir is a devout follower of the Way of the Voice, and a worshipper of Kyne. He is a patient and wise man who is quick to teach new initiates the ways of his order, and share with them the knowledge of its Grandmaster, Paarthurnax. Arngeir respects Paarthurnax tremendously, sympathising with his troubled background as an old lieutenant of Alduin many millennia ago, and encouraging him to find repentance through his teaching of the Way of the Voice, including seclusion atop the Throat of the World. He has diligently kept the secret of Paarthurnax's true identity from outsiders, as not even the subversive Blades knew of his existence until the Last Dragonborn told them in 4E 201. Above all Arngeir values patience, humility, and restraint.


Arngeir's background prior to joining the Greybeards is largely unknown. The only suggestion of his origins being that he refers to the Nordic goddess Kyne as "Kynareth", who is only named as such in non-Nordic religions such as the Faith of the Eight. This indicates he might originally hail from High Rock, Cyrodiil, or from regions of Skyrim that have largely assimilated into Imperial culture, such as Haafingar.

At some point around the year 4E 161, the Greybeards chose Ulfric Stormloak to be a new member of their order, this despite him being the heir to the Jarldom of Windhelm. While at High Hrothgar, Arngeir personally taught Ulfric in the Way of the Voice, attempting to instil within him the values of the Greybeards. Upon the eruption of the Great War in 4E 171, however, Ulfric abandoned the order and returned to Windhelm to help fight the Aldmeri Dominion. It is unknown exactly how Arngeir feels about this, although Ulfric suspects that Arngeir had ever forgiven him for abandoning the order, as well as for using the thu'um sacrilegiously in the pursuit of power, rather than in worship of Kyne.

In the year 4E 201 the Last Dragonborn was discovered in Skyrim. Like with past Dragonborns, the Greybeards, including Arngeir, summoned them to High Hrothgar for tutelage and guidance. There Arngeir taught the Last Dragonborn much about the thu'um, and like with Ulfric, attempted to instil within them the philosophy of the Way of the Voice. It is unclear if Arngeir was successful in this attempt, or if the Last Dragonborn strayed into powerlust as Ulfric had. At around the same time, Arngeir also aided the Last Dragonborn in attempting to defeat Alduin, although he expressed doubts about whether it was even possible to begin with. This involved introducing them to Paarthurnax, as well as facilitating a Great Council between the Imperials and Stormcloaks within High Hrothgar itself. With Arngeir's aid, the Council resulted in a temporary ceasefire to the Stormcloak Rebellion, allowing the Last Dragonborn to trap a dragon within the Dragonsreach of Whiterun and eventually defeat Alduin using its knowledge.

Quotes by Arngeir[]

There have been many of the Dragon Blood since Akatosh first bestowed that gift upon mortalkind. Whether you are the only Dragonborn of this age... that is not ours to know.

—Arngeir about the many Dragonborns of history

There is indeed much that we know that you do not. That does not mean that you are ready to understand it. Do not let your easy mastery of the Voice tempt you into the arrogance of power that has been the downfall of many Dragonborn before you.

—Arngeir about the arrogance of power

The Voice was a gift of the goddess Kynareth, at the dawn of time. She gave mortals the ability to speak as dragons do. Although this gift has often been misused, the only true use of the Voice is for the worship and glory of the gods. True mastery of the Voice can only be achieved when your inner spirit is in harmony with your outward actions. In the contemplation of the sky, Kynareth's domain, and the practice of the Voice, we strive to achieve this balance.

—Arngeir about the Way of the Voice's connection to Kyne

The Blades! Of course. They specialise in meddling in matters they barely understand. Their reckless arrogance knows no bounds.

—Arngeir about the arrogance of the Blades

Have you considered that Alduin was not meant to be defeated? Those who overthrew him in ancient times only postponed the day of reckoning, they did not stop it. If the world is meant to end, so be it. Let it end and be reborn.

—Arngeir about Alduin

It was created by those who had lived under the unimaginable cruelty of Alduin's Dragon Cult. Their whole lives were consumed with hatred for dragons, and they poured all their anger and hatred into this Shout. When you learn a Shout, you take it into your very being. In a sense, you become the Shout. In order to learn and use this Shout, you will be taking this evil into yourself.

—Arngeir about the Dragonrend Shout

Doing nothing can be the wisest choice, although strangely often the most difficult. I trust that you will make the right choice, in the end. Listen to the Voice that Kynareth has placed within you, and your path will be clear.

—Arngeir persuading the Last Dragonborn to not slay Paarthurnax

Quotes about Arngeir[]

The oldest and most powerful, although he may not seem so. I doubt he's forgiven me for leaving. And for... well, for what he'd consider blasphemy. Using Shouts for anything but worship of Kynareth.

Ulfric Stormcloak about Arngeir

I rarely use my training. The Greybeards believe the Voice should be used only for worship of Kynareth. I have... fallen from their strict teaching, but I still don't feel it should be used lightly. Not all of Arngeir's lecturing was wasted, it seems.

Ulfric Stormcloak about the lessons of Arngeir

