The Legendarium
The Legendarium
Assassination of Ayrenn I Arana
Conflict Three Banners War
Date 2E 601
Place White-Gold Tower, Imperial City
Result Death of Ayrenn I Arana
Great Council of 2E 601
Perpetrator Lord Eridion Aeldaris
Victims Queen Ayrenn I Arana

The assassination of Ayrenn I was a pivotal and closing event of the Three Banners War, and directly precipitated the Great Council of 2E 601. Following Ayrenn Arana's sacking of the Imperial City, in which tens of thousands of innocents were slaughtered, Eridion Aeldaris reluctantly killed his X and queen to prevent more massacres and destruction in Ayrenn's quest to 'liberate the world'.

Following this event the First Aldmeri Dominion scattered, and the Great Council of 2E 601 took place, marking the end of the Three Banners War.


The Assassination[]



