The Legendarium
The Legendarium

Auridon is the second largest constituent island of the Summerset Archipelago. The island is composed of three geographical regions, the Vafe, Calambar, and Iluvamir. The ruler of the Vafe bears the title of High Kinlord of the Vafe, and the ruler of Calambar bears a title of High Kinlord of the Reach, encompassing both Calambar and Iluvamir.

The long island serves as the home to many Altmer hardened by relatively frequent attacks upon their coasts.


Auridon was once a single realm ruled by the Kings of Auridon of House Rilis of Firsthold. However, after Aerel's Invasion the vast island was ruled over by a High Kinlord.

After X's Rebellion in 1E ???, House Rilis was stripped of its considerable power by splitting their lands in three. Auridon was thus divided into its three regions, each ruled by its own High Kinlord. However, over time House Errinorne of Skywatch began to make moves upon Iluvomir, eventually taking the region and becoming the rulers of both.

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