The Legendarium
The Legendarium

Ayleid steel was invented in the Ayleid Empire, and was used to make weapons and various other items of unparalleled quality. Magic and spells play a role in its forging, which makes the steel special and gives it magical characteristics.


Ayleid steel, possibly forged with starlight magic, was manufactured in the Ayleid Empire of old. Ayleid steel blades are lighter, stronger, and sharper than even the best castle-forged steel, though also far more expensive. Even at the height of the Ayleid Empire, Ayleid steel was difficult to forge and was done so sparingly. There may be thousands of Ayleid steel blades remaining in the world, but there are only two hundred known blades according to sapiarch X's X, some of which have since been lost or have disappeared from recorded history. Most Ayleid steel blades on Tamriel are treasured heirlooms of noble Houses, each with its own name and storied history, and even impoverished lesser Houses are unwilling to give them up.

Ayleid steel was always costly, but it became considerably more so after the fall of the Ayelid Empire, the secret of its making lost in the decades after its fall. Only the greatest weaponsmiths can reforge swords from existing Ayleid steel, making those remaining weapons highly treasured and extremely rare. The blacksmiths of Tel Narrusa in Morrowind claim to know the magics for reforging Ayleid steel without losing its strength or unsurpassed ability to hold an edge.

List of Known Ayleid Steel Blades[]

Blades known to still exist:

Other Objects[]

  • The crown worn by Anumaril IV Arana and some of his descendants in the Arana dynasty, five bands of Ayelid steel connected in the back and forming an elegant design in the front. It was last worn by King X, and lost after X.


