The Legendarium

Beer is an alcoholic beverage popular in Tamriel.


Mugs of strong black beer are served at many taverns and inns. Sweet beer is among the beverages served at the White-Gold Tower in the Imperial CityBrown ale, and nut-brown ale is served in more forested areas of Tamriel. Barley beer is also available in Hammerfell and Skyrim. Stouts can be found throughout the continent.

Brown ale and pale small beer is available to many in Tamriel. In Skyrim, commoners drink thin yellow beer. Redguards drink spiced beer, while pale ales are available at very low prices. Fruit beers and bittersweet black ales are offered in Elsweyr. Beer halls offering strong black beer line the shores of Skyrim and SolstheimSour ale is sometimes consumed by travellers.

Beer is often stored in casks and kegs, and smaller quantities can be transported in skins. Beer is often served in cups, flagons, horns, mugs, and tankards. Some castles, such as Lariel, Gryphonrock, X, and X have brewhouses. Priories such as Weynon Priory often have brewhouses.



