The Legendarium

A calian is a cultural talisman in the Summerset Archipelago given to an Altmer upon reaching the age of majority: eighteen. The talisman typically serves as a symbol of an Altmer's right to "participate in Altmeri society".


Calians are granted to an Altmer after reaching the age of majority in a religious coming-to-age ceremony held by a Curate, or by an Ascendant Curate if the Altmer in question comes from a prestigious House, or is wealthy enough to pay for the service, or by the High Aldarch himself if the Altmer to recieve their calian is a member of the royal family or an heir-presumptive to the Marble Throne. Calians are symbolic of an Altmer's right to be a participating member in Altmeri society, though it is a purely symbolic talisman despite the religious nature of the accompanying ceremony.

The calian itself can, in theory, be any item a parent chooses to bestow upon their child. Nobles have calians made of better quality materials, often crystal, and have them bought or commissioned by skilled artisans, giving them elaborate designs and engravings. Commoners will often make their own calians, using what materials they have available to them, such as simple glass or stone, as they might not have the spare funds a noble does.

Part of what makes a calian is its simplicity. Even nobles will keep their calians elegant, though their wealth make embellishments and carvings commonplace.


