The Legendarium
City Watch of Alinor
Type City watch
Seat East Barracks
West Barracks
Eldarhall Barracks
Region Alinor
Allegiance Marble Throne
Founder Unknown Arana king

The City Watch of Alinor are the defenders of the city of Alinor (including Eldarhall) and the enforcers of the law, sworn only to the Marble Throne. The Watch presumably falls under the bailiwick of the master of laws.

There are three sets of barracks for the City Watch: the East Barracks by the X Gate, the West Barracks by the X Gate, and one located within Eldarhall.


The City Watch wear cloaks, usually made of heavy wool. They are equipped with mail armour, steel cudgels, steel spears, dirks, and longswords. They can be used as guards, foot soldiers, or in some cases, as mounted lancers. Nonetheless, the watchmen are not true soldiers.

Known Commanders of the City Watch[]

  • ???


