The crypt of Highcrest is located below Highcrest and contains the tombs of the members of House Rilis.
While all family members can have tombs in the crypts, statues are traditionally only made for King of Auridon and Lords of Firsthold. The likenesses of these high lords are carved into the stone, some shaggy, some clean shaven. According to tradition, silver pendants hung around each lord's lap keep vengful spirits in the crypt.
The cavernous vault is larger than Highcrest itself, with older Rilis' buried in deeper and darker levels. The lowest level was once the prison of Lord Sirion Rilis's spirit, and is said to be partly collapsed. The most recent tombs within the crypts are those of Lord X, X, and X. The tombs further back, empty and unsealed, are saved for future members of House Rilis.
When in the Second Era Lord Sirion was caught trafficking daedra and sacrificing his own people in exchange for power, he was executed for his crimes by the order of King Hidellith II Arana. As additional punishment his spirit was entombed in the lowest level of the Highcrest crypt, and a knightly order was founded to ensure he would never escape. During this time the crypt of Highcrest would ocassionally be called the 'Banished Cells'. When around 2E 582 Sirion attempted to escape his prison, he was overpowered and permanently banished from the mortal world. Since then the lowest level of the crypt has fallen into disuse, and is said to be party collapsed.