The Legendarium
The Legendarium

Great Houses are the most powerful members of nobility of a given realm, being sworn directly to ther respective thrones.

Great Houses are also sometimes referred to as the most powerful Houses from specific regions, rather than from a kingdom as a whole. For example, there might be three great Houses of the Vale (a constituent region of Alinor), but of the realm itself there are eight (one for each of the eight regions of the Summerset Archipelago). In this sense the meaning of 'great House' changes depending on the context and scale of what is being spoken about. The great Houses of a sub-region are not the same as the great Houses of the entire realm.

Great Houses[]

The following table gives a list of all the great Houses of Tamriel by their respective regions on the continent, both past and present.

Region House Mode of Accession Status
Cyrodiil House Arana House Arana Unknown Deposed
House Aquilarios House Aquilarios Conquest Extinct
House Cyrodiil House Cyrodiil Conquest Extinct
Unknown Arms House Larethal Unknown Extinct
House Longhouse House Longhouse Conquest Extinct
House Mede House Mede Conquest Ruling
House Paravant House Paravant Conquest Extinct
House Septim House Septim Conquest Extinct
Hammerfell Unknown Arms (Hammerfell) House Barrim Unknown Extinct
Unknown Arms (Hammerfell) House Phyllocid Chosen ???
High Rock House Cumberland House Cumberland Succession ???
House Deleyn House Deleyn Succession ???
House Direnni House Direnni Conquest Ruling
House Dufort House Dufort Appointment Ruling
House Gardner House Gardner Unknown Extinct
House Kannor House Kannor Unknown Extinct
Morrowind House Dagoth House Dagoth Unknown Extinct
House Dres House Dres Unknown Ruling
House Hlaalu House Hlaalu Unknown Ruling
House Indoril House Indoril Unknown Extinct
House Redoran House Redoran Unknown Ruling
Unknown Arms House Sadras Unknown Ruling
House Telvanni House Telvanni Unknown Deposed
Skyrim House Flame-Hair House Flame-Hair Unknown Extinct
House Stormcloak House Stormcloak Unknown Ruling
Summerset Archipelago House Andorin House Andorin Trickery Ruling
House Arana House Arana Conquest Extinct
House Caidan House Caidan Conquest Extinct
House Direnni House Direnni Unknown Abandoned
House Errinorne House Errinorne Appointment Extinct
House Harlore House Harlore Conquest Extinct
Unknown Arms House Heleyn Appointment Ruling
House Liaren House Liaren Unknown Ruling
House Neiaron House Neiaron Succession Extinct
House Rilis House Rilis Conquest Ruling
House Telarion House Telarion Appointment Ruling
House Torelle House Torelle Appointment Ruling
Valenwood House Camoran House Camoran Conquest Ruling

See Also[]

