The Legendarium
The Legendarium

High Kinlord of Auridon was the title granted by the Marble Throne to the liege lord of Auridon within the Summerset Isles. The title referred to the island of Auridon.

The title was often combined with Lord of Firsthold to be the High Kinlord of Firsthold.


After the kneeling of King Sandur III Rilis to Aerel Arana during the Arana conquest, Aerel granted the title to Sandur and named him the High Kinlord of Auridon.

The title was eventually done away with after House Rilis rebelled against the Marble Throne in 1E ???, after which Auridon was split into the regions of the Vafe, Calambar, and Iluvamir, the former of which would continue to be ruled by House Rilis from Firsthold, and the latter two of which would be ruled by House Errinorne from Skywatch. This threefold division of the island still exists to this day.

