The Legendarium

Holdfasts are fortifications in Tamriel. They are smaller than castles.


Holdfasts can be solitary or be surrounded by villages or towns. Holdfasts can be built of stone or timber, and they can have gated walls and timber palisades. They can include towerhouses overlooking small villages, roundtowers within towns, or encompass large compounds.


Younger children of House X are sometimes given holdfasts to rule in the name of the Lord of X. Small farms and villages are spread around holdfasts north of X and south of X. Nordic farmers often leave their farms for the safety of holdfasts or regional capitols such as Riften or Whiterun during winter.

Dispute between rival holdfasts can be settled by a royal court.

Lands under the dominion of Falkreath are protected by walled villages and stout holdfasts surrounded by timber palisades.


The Nedes of the early Merethic Era built ringforts in Tamriel. They chopped down trees for their farms, ringforts, and holdfasts.

Altmer stonemasons were able to build stronger holdfasts than those built by the Nedes.


