The Legendarium
The Legendarium

Julianos bearing a pyramid in his hand; ©ZeniMax Online Studios

Julianos, or the Scholar, is one of the eight gods in the Faith of the Eight, widely associated with magic, law, and wisdom.


Julianos represents wisdom, logic, law, and the arts of magic. He is depicted as a bearded man who carries a pyramid or scales. He is prayed to for knowledge and enlightenment.

Julianos Statue - Joshua Cairós

Julianos as a statue in the Temple of the One in the Imperial City - by Joshua Cairós; ©Fantasy Flight Games

Julianos, like the other Divines, has his own branch in the Knights of the Eight, known as the Knights Mentor. His knights protect and preserve ancient knowledge, working closely with scholars, lawyers, and mages to provide safety to those who would seek knowledge.


Worshippers of the Faith in High Rock created Schools of Julianos across High Rock tens of hundreds of years ago, which doubled as both temples and locations of scholarly learning. It is said that from these Schools came the first ever use of the term "magicka" to describe the intangible power associated with performing feats of magic.


According to myth, Julianos descended from the heavens and gifted a shield to the legendary knight Pelinal Whitestrake so that he might defeat the King of the Ayleids, Umaril the Unfeathered, during Alessia's Slave Rebellion.


