The Legendarium
King of Hammerfell
Office Ruler of Hammerfell
Region Hammerfell
First Holder Ar-Azal I & II Phyllocid
Creator King Ar-Azal I & II Phyllocid

King of Hammerfell, also called High King of Hammerfell, is the title claimed by the ruler of Hammerfell, whose seat is X in X and rules from the X Throne. The capital of the Kingdom of Hammerfell is X, located on X.


Ar-Azal II Phyllocid, of Hegathe united the many kingdoms of Hammerfell into a single realm, proclaiming himself Ar-Azal I of Hammerfell while keeping his royal status and regnal number as King of Hegathe. History thus remembers him as King Ar-Azal I & II Phyllocid.

Known Monarchs of Hammerfell[]

