King of the Rivers and Hills was the title used by the monarchs of House Andorin who ruled the Kingdom of the Rivers and Hills from Lillandril, their capital in the Norlands.
The Kingdom of the Rivers and Hills had frequent clashes with its neighbours over the territory of the contemporary Crownlands, including the Summer Kings of the Summerlands, and various petty kingdoms native to the Crownlands.
By the time of Aerel's Invasion the kingdom held several holdings in the Crownlands and laid claim to much of its territory, but this claim was done away with following Queen Erandel VI Andorin's submission to Aerel I Arana, who integrated the disparate southwestern lordships of the Summerset Isle into the Crownlands as we know them today, to be directly ruled by the Marble Throne.
Known Kings of the Isles and Waters[]
- Queen Erandel VI Andorin, the last king of the Isles and Waters who gave up her crown during Aerel's Invasion.