The Legendarium

The Knights of the Gleaming Blade were a knightly order established by the Kings of Delodiil under the Ayleid Empire to serve the reigning king of Delodiil, and follow through with whatever task was assigned to them no matter the cost.

The order was wiped out sometime after the Battle of Crimson Streets during the War of the Shrine of 1E 239, when the knights tasked with securing the Prismatic Crystal met a grim fate in the abandoned dwarven city of Mzeneldt.


In 1E 239 after the Battle of Crimson Streets, the knights were tasked with destroying or hiding the Prismatic Crystal, the weapon created to destroy King Anumaril IV's the Mortuum Vivicus. The knights chose to hide the Crystal in the abandoned dwarven city of Mzeneldt. When they approached the city, the Daedric Prince Molag Bal enacted a small degree of vengence for his defeat by sending hoards of undead against the knights. Stuck between the undead and the depths of the dwarven city, the knights travelled deeper inside, and were eventually cut apart and slaughtered by the many dwarven constructs that roamed the abandoned city's halls.

After the knights were killed, none remained to revive the knightly order as King Cenedelin III had been killed in the Battle of the Ford, and the city of Delodiil had vanished entirely.

Historical Members

Cenedelin III Larethal (1E ??? – 239)

All members of the order under Cenedelin III's reign died during a mission in Mzeneldt, marking the end of the Knights of the Gleaming Blade.


