The Legendarium

mummer is an actor and entertainer in Tamriel. A mummer is usually part of a troupe of fellow actors who travel from place to place or perform at a playhouse. They entertain at various feasts and functions performing plays and shows. Because mummers' performances are often comical, a bungled, unbelievable, or manufactured event can be referred to as a 'mummer's farce'.


A master mummer is in charge of each troupe, which often have a dwarf or a dancing animal of some kind. Some mummers own monkeys.

Mummers can be accomplished at manipulating their face, while others wear masks. Many performers shave their head, the so-called mummer's cut, to allow wigs to fit better. Some mummers hide within a hollow horse and tumble from it for the amusement of patrons. A mummer's dragon is a cloth dragon on poles which heroes fight during performances.

During peacetime, gaily painted mummer's boats with quilted sails of half a hundred colours make their way up rivers, visiting villages and castles.


Mummer Troupes[]

  • The House of Reveries, while more of an organisation than a mere troupe, is a famous troupe of mummers on the Summerset Archipelago. They are known for concealing their faces with elaborate masks at all times and discarding their old identities upon joining, a process which involves picking a new name for themselves.
  • The Summerset Repartory Players, a lesser-known mummers' troupe of the Summerset Archipelago. They operated primarily in Calambar where they entertained foreigners and sailors in the port-cities of Vulkhel Guard and Skywatch.


