The Legendarium

The Norlands, sometimes called the Norlander Peninsula, are one of the constituent regions of the Summerset Archipelago on the continent of Tamriel. It was formerly its own nation before the Arana unification. Following Aerel's Invasion it was united into the Summerset Isles along with the other regions of the archipelago. The Norlands are not known for its fertility or trade, but rather for intellect, as the Norlands is the home of the College of Sapiarchs.

The demonym used for its inhabitants is 'norlander'.

The Norlands are ruled from the city of Lillandril by House Andorin. Notable Houses have included X, X, X, X, and X.


Unlike the fertile Summerlands, the Norlands is dependant upon trade with the other regions of the kingdom for sustenance. The rocky and coral-dotted landscape is not conducive to heavy agriculture, and the occassional saltwater flooding of the coasts and rivers makes the much soil salty, dark, and often infertile. Farming is instead done mostly inland or near cities, such as Lillandril.

People and Economy[]

Military Strength[]




