The Legendarium
The Legendarium
Unknown Arms
Unknown Arms
Oraneth Feldian
Race Altmer
Culture Altmer
Born In 2E 501
Died In 2E 582, the Elden Hollow

Oraneth Feldian was a member of House Feldian and of the Thalmor during the reign of Ayrenn I Arana of the Summerset Isles. She served as the Canonreeve of Elden Root, a mostly symbolic position which she exploited to its fullest potential. Using the meager influence of her position, Oraneth attempted to undermine the First Aldmeri Dominion, an alliance which she opposed from its inception.

Appearance and Character[]


Oraneth was deeply displeased with the founding of the Aldmeri Dominion in 2E 580, though lacked the power and influence to take meaningful action. She was transferred to Elden Root in 2E 581 and was later granted the symbolic title 'Canonreeve of Elden Root'. The title itself was a hollow one, as Elden Root was ruled by the King of Valenwood himself and his own ministers. Nevertheless, the title came with several priviledges that allowed Oraneth the chance to make the change she wanted to see.

While in Valenwood, Oraneth was disconnected from the goings-on of the Summerset Archipelago, elsewise she would have likely combined her efforts with the Veiled Heritance, which was founded shortly after she left for the Great Forest. Nevertheless, Oraneth thus worked independently, and set in motion a plot to consume Elden Root in shadow, break up the Dominion, and win the Three Banners War for the Altmeri people, an ambition she attempted to realise through allying herself with the Daedric Prince Molag Bal.

In 2E 582 several members of the Mages Guild were sent to work alongside with Oraneth, and eventually they discovered that not all was as it seemed. After some investigation, Oraneth's plot was eventually revealed and she was slain in a magical battle between herself and the Guild mages.

Written Works[]

Notes & Letters[]


Quotes by Oraneth[]

Your bodies will feed the darkness, and the darkness will win this war for the Altmer.

—Oraneth to Bakkhara and her fellow Guild mages

Quotes about Oraneth[]

Oraneth is dead, the ritual broken, yet evil still stirs here. There is a darkness growing from the earth below, sprouting from a seed of death. We have failed. The darkness is coming, with no one to control it...

Bakkhara to her Guild companions after slaying Oraneth

