The Legendarium
The Legendarium

The Path to Alaxon is a religious philosophy pratised primarily by members of the Church of Alaxon. To follow the Path to Alaxon is to strive for perfection in every aspect of one's life, and is taken very seriously by followers of the Church. Following the Path to Alaxon is considered to be a light form of worship by the Church.

Perfection itself is sometimes called Alaxon, the 'Path to Alaxon' being the actions one must take to achieve perfection.


The Ayleids of the Ayleid Empire used the Path to Alaxon in their own religion, Alvarlism, as a religious justification for various activities, such as incest, slavery, and much more. Ayleid culture was built around the aquisition and maintaining of power, and the notion of "perfection in the eyes of the gods" was an appealing reason to justify their actions.

As a result of the Ayleid (mis)use of the Path to Alaxon, Alessia I Paravant omitted it when creating her new religion, the Faith of the Eight, after crushing the Ayleid Empire during her Rebellion. It remains one of the many points of difference between the Faith of the Eight and the Church of Alaxon, as religious philosophy is still practised by the Altmer of the Summerset Archipelago.


