A Perchance Acorn was a magical object resembling the shape of an acorn once found at the heart of many graht-oak trees in Valenwood. They allowed for the tree to uproot itself and move around the great forest using its large roots as legs. It is unknown how or why, but many such acorns have been transformed into 'Definite Acorns', draining away all their innate magical energy and permanently rendering their respective trees inanimate.
During the early First Era almost no Perchance Acorns remained, and the graht-oak trees that would roam Valenwood were few. One such tree was, at the time, resting in the wood elven capitol of Elden Root when the Ayleid king, Anumaril IV Arana, visited the tree and attempted to transform Valenwood into a new home for the Ayleid people. Due to a fundamental difference between Ayleid and Bosmer magic, Anumaril failed. During the process the Perchance Acorn was transformed into a Definite Acorn, robbed of its magical potency and rendering the mystical walking tree an inanimate one, forever grounded in Elden Root. Today it is known as the Elden Tree and serves as the seat for House Camoran.