Prostitution is the act or practice of providing sexual services to another person in return for payment, most frequently coin. The person who receives payment for sexual services is called a prostitute but is also more commonly known by the pejorative whore. Prostitutes who follow an army are included in the camp followers, and some are politely grouped with serving washerwomen or washermen. If a camp follower attaches themself to a single person for the duration of a campaign, they are referred to as a camp bride or a camp groom.
Some prostitutes cater to highly exclusive clientele, make a good enough living, and may to a certain extent pick and choose their clientele. Others take who they can get and do whatever they have to in order to survive, often living miserable lives. Many prostitutes in Morrowind are enslaved.
Prostitutes in Tamriel[]
Prostitutes are normally on the bottom rung of the ladder of society, even the wealthier ones, and are looked down upon by most people because of their trade. It is considered dishonourable for a nobleman or noblewomen to openly frequent whores and brothels. Despite these attitudes, Tamriel teems with brothels and whores.
Many of the Priests of the Faith (as well as priests of other religions) visit whores in brothels. Despite their vows to remain celibate, a blind eye is turned to it.
Attitudes about sexuality are more relaxed in Hammerfell, so the view of Redguards toward prostitutes may be more liberal.
Some brothels in Tamriel cater to more exclusive clientele, others cater to more uncommon tastes such as elderly prostitutes.
A virgin prostitute's maidenhead can cost a gold coin.
Known Whores in Tamriel[]
Known Brothels in Tamriel[]
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