The Legendarium
Unknown Arms Lord
Serien Peake
Unknown Arms
  • Lord of Foxford
  • Sir
Allegiance House Peake
Race Breton
Born In the Second EraFoxford
Died In 2E 582Fort Virak

Serien Peake was the head of House Peake and Lord of Foxford during the Three Banners War, and led a campaign on behalf of the Second Daggerfall Covenant to conquer both Bleakrock Isle in Skyrim, as well as regions of central Morrowind. His campaign eventually ended in failure, with his forces defeated at the hands of the Ebonheart Pact, resulting in Lord Serien's own death.

Appearance and Character[]

Serien was a well-built man with neck-length light brown hair, and a medium-length goatee he tied in a knot beneath his chin. He had fair skin and green eyes. Serien preferred wielding a bastard sword into battle, forgoing a shield when he could get away with it, although often suffering minor to mild wounds as a result.

Serien was a deeply ambitious man, yet utterly devoted to the cause of the Second Daggerfall Covenant. He was not beyond allowing the use of necromancy if it meant securing victories against his enemies. Towards the end of his life he himself even dabbled in the forbidden magic in an attempt to lift the Ebonheart Pact's siege of Fort Virak.


In 2E 582 Serien was given custody of an exiled Lion Guard knight known as Severin Charnis, who had been found guilty of dabbling in necromancy, which was strictly forbidden in the Guard. Serien was instructed to use the exile as an asset in his campaign against the Ebonheart Pact in central Morrowind and Bleakrock Isle, after which he should be released from custody into foreign lands. Serien followed through with these orders and made use of Severin's knowledge of necromancy, allowing him to secure a foothold on Bleakrock and expel the remaining Pact forces from the island.

Through observing the necromantic practices of Severin Charnis, Serien himself had learned of the power that necromancy could wield, and he increasingly made use of it as his forces were being defeated during the Siege of Fort Virak. As Pact forces closed in around the keep, Serien attempted to use necromancy to secure a final victory, even transforming himself into a hulking flesh atronach, but was ultimately defeated.


Quotes by Serien[]

High Rock and Hammerfell!

—Serien's battlecry during his final stand