Sliverlight, also referred to as Telalatta (its original name in Ayleidoon), is the fabled hand-and-a-half longsword of Ayleid steel once wielded by Aerel the Gryphon. It is the ancestral artifact of House Arana, and provided part of the inspiration for House Telarion's name.
It is unknown when the Ayleid steel sword was forged, though some sapiarchs have speculated that it dates back to the late Merethic Era. When it was created, a blue gem with a ruby heart was placed in the hilt, which if hit by certain light can create faint purple, blue, or red reflections.
Aerel the Gryphon[]
Aerel I Arana wielded Silverlight during his conquest of the five kingdoms of the Summerset Archipelago.
Known Wielders[]
- King Aerel I Arana
- King Daethen I Arana
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- Queen Ayrenn I Arana