Slave's Cant was the language spoken among the slaves of the Ayleid Empire, which evolved out of the Old Tongue spoken by both the ancient Nedes and the Atmorans. Usage of Slave's Cant among the subjugated Nedes was encouraged by the Ayleids, as they disliked their own tongue being tainted through the speech of their slaves.
Over the centuries, Slave's Cant adopted many aspects of Ayleidoon, which were later passed on to the Common Tongue.
After the success of Alessia's Slave Rebellion against the Ayleid Empire in 1E 243, Empress Alessia I Paravant made Slave's Cant the official tongue of her new empire. This language quickly evolved into the modern-day Common Tongue, which continues to be used as the lingua-franca of Tamriel, as well as the dominant language of most of the continent's mainland.