The Legendarium
The Legendarium
Stormcloak Rebellion
Stormcloak Rebellion
©Bethesda Softworks

Date 4E 201 – ongoing
Location Skyrim
Battles Siege of Whiterun
Third Empire Third Empire
Unknown Arms House X
House Stormcloak House Stormcloak
Notable Commanders
Third Empire General Tullius X
Third Empire Legate Rikke X
House Stormcloak Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak
Unknown Arms Galmar Stone-Fist
Some troops and officers provided by the Empire
Houses sworn to Solitude
Houses sworn to Markarth
Houses sworn to Falkreath
Houses sworn to Morthal
House Stormcloak
Houses sworn to Windhelm
Houses sworn to Riften
Houses sworn to Winterhold
Houses sworn to Dawnstar

The Stormcloak Rebellion, also called Ulfric's Uprising, is a bloody and ongoing civil war fought in Skyrim from 4E 201. As the name implies, House Stormcloak rose their banners in rebellion against the crown in order to claim the throne for Jarl Ulfric Stormcloak. What began as a small conflict quickly grew into a full-fledged civil war between those Houses that support Ulfric's claim to the throne and those that support Queen Elisif's claim.

A major point of contention in the war among the native Nords is which side would best safeguard Skyrim and her people. Those who support Ulfric often call themselves the 'stormcloaks', colloquially adopting the name of his House, and believe that the Kingdom of Skyrim should become independent from the Third Empire. Those who support Elisif believe that Skyrim is better served by remaining within the Empire, not just for the economic and political benefits afforded to Skyrim, but also in order to maintain a strong united front against the Third Aldmeri Dominion which has begun to gather its strength once more from Alinor and poses a future threat to the Empire.


The Rebellion[]

Great Council of 4E 201[]

Houses by Allegiance[]





Ulfric's Uprising

Ulfric Stormcloak leading his stormcloaks into battle; ©Bethesda Softworks
