The Folly of Isolation is a play written by Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness. Most scenes of the play have been lost, leaving only a few fragmented scenes and excerpts to make sense of the incomprehensible play.
Dramatis Personae
Interloper — Any race
Valaste — High elf woman, young
Queen Ayrenn — High elf woman, young, Queen of the Summerset Isles
Razum-dar — Khajiit man, rogue/spy
Mother — Race matching actor of Interloper, Interloper's mother
Father — Race matching actor of Interloper, Interloper's father
Uncle — Race matching actor of Interloper, Interloper's uncle
Ebonheart Pact soldiers (multiple Argonians, Nords, and dark elves)
Mages Guild scholars (x3 - one speaking)
Act I
Scene II
Setting: Heartholdhelm, a generic elven city (amalgamation of Woodhearth and two other unknown Altmeri cities).
- (An INTERLOPER, believing he knows better than the dashing main character, enters stage left. Before him stands the imposing sight of Heartholdhelm. Within, the three bloodthirsty races of the Ebonheart Pact await (EBONHEART PACT SOLDIERS). The fool strides forward, facing certain dismemberment by angry swamp lizards and berserk barbarians...)
Scene IV
- (A harried-looking high elven woman (VALASTE) sits at a table, surrounded by books. Her eyes are locked on the horizon, staring at nothing. Only the most perceptive would notice that a thin line of drool is sliding from the side of her mouth. Before her sits a massive tome, inscribed with the most intricate of runes...)
Act II
Scene II
- (A noble high elf (QUEEN AYRENN) looks imperiously down her nose at the assembled MAGES GUILD SCHOLARS.)
These mages would depart our borders with critical information, My Queen. They say they seek… isolation.
Truly? Perhaps you do not understand the meaning of loyalty, little magelings!
Scene ?
- (Herein, the Scene where the INTERLOPER kills their MOTHER as she kills their FATHER as he kills their UNCLE (see references at the bottom for subtext))
Scene I
- (Herein, find Act III, where we have a speech about Covenants. Namely, the covenant a Daedric Prince has with his wedge of cheese...)
Act IV
Scene VI
- (A noble high elf (QUEEN AYRENN) looks imperiously over her nose at the assembled MAGES GUILD SCHOLARS.)
These mages would depart our borders with critical information, My Queen. They say they seek… isolation.
Truly? Perhaps you do not understand the meaning of loyalty, little magelings!
Where have I heard that before?