The Legendarium
The Legendarium
Tribunal Temple

The symbol of the Tribunal Temple, a black hand within a triangle with three runes in each corner symbolising the three gods.

The Tribunal Temple was the dominant religion throughout most of Morrowind between 1E 700 and 4E 5. The Temple revered the three living gods, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec, who ruled Morrowind as god-kings for over two Eras. Worship of the Tribunal was rare, almost nonexistant, outside of Morrowind, as the Tribunal's living gods were interested in protecting only the Dunmeri people, and their homeland.

The Temple was reformed in 4E 5 after the Red Year into the New Temple, abandoning the living gods of the Tribunal Temple and embracing the old gods from before the founding of the Tribunal: the Daedric Princes Azura, Boethiah, and Mephala.

The Tribunal[]

Members of the Temple worshipped the three living gods of Morrowind:

  • Almalexia, also referred to as Ayem, was comely and fair, bearing the same golden-skinned appearance as she did when she was a mortal Chimer, similar to the skin of an Altmer. She wore little more than a loincloth, and some armour plating around the chest and arms. She took the role of being the source of compassion, sympathy, forgiveness, protector of the poor, and patron of teachers and healers. She would often be prayed to for forgiveness, and hope.
  • Sotha Sil, also referred to as Seht, was thin and robed in white with dark Dunmeri skin, and wearing a tall golden crown with some of his limbs replaced with clockwork alternatives. He took the role of patron of scholars, mages, knowledge, and innovation. He would often be prayed to for inspiration and knowledge.
  • Vivec, also referred to as the Warrior-Poet, was lean and muscular, wearing nothing but a loincloth. He bore a bald head, and the colour of his skin split perfectly down the centre of his body: on his right half was shining golden skin representative of the Dunmeri people's past as Chimer, and on his left half was shining blue skin representative of the Dunmeri people's present appearance. He took the role of the protector of the Dunmeri people, always ready to battle should Morrowind be threatened from external threats. He would often be prayed to for protection, and sometimes for artistic inspiration.




Military Orders[]

The Tribunal Temple included two military orders: the Ordinators, an order of faithful Dunmer who give up their lands and coin, swearing fealty to the Tribunal, and the Buoyant Armigers, sworn directly to Vivec and charged with quelling threats across Morrowind and upholding certain chivalric virtues.



Holy Days[]


Marriage Customs[]



Funeral Customs[]



