The Legendarium

The White-Gold Concordat is a political document written by Thalmor ambassadors of the Third Aldmeri Dominion sometime before the beginning of the Great War. It was later amended and made more demanding, which was eventually signed by the Third Empire to end the war.



The concordat was written by the Thalmor of the Third Aldmeri Dominion, and originally requested a level playing field with the Third Empire, including the dissolution of the terrorist organisation known as the Blades. Upon the Empire's refusal to sign the concordat the Great War errupted, which raged for several years before the Dominion's superior position gave them the opportunity to amend the concordat and force the Empire to sign it at their own peril.

The amended concordat was much more demanding, requiring tribute payments from the Empire in addition to a multitude of other demands such as the banning of the worship of Talos. However, it was also beneficial to the lords of the Empire, as the Dominion was willing to grant copious amounts of gold to satisfy the vassals of the Emperor, effectively turning the lords of the Empire against their leige lord and getting them on better terms with the Dominion.


Following the Great War, the White-Gold Concordat set out the terms for peaceful coexistence between the two powers. The Empire and the Dominion agreed that the worship of Talos was a relic of the past, and must be eliminated in the interests of peace. But I'm sure you didn't come here for a lecture on high politics.

Elenwen about the White-Gold Concordat

Irileth: Was it cowardly then to accept the White-Gold Concordat?

Balgruuf: This again?! That was different. Was I given a chance to object to the terms of the treaty? No. The Jarls weren't asked. We were told. And we had to like it.
Proventus: The chests of gold didn't hurt.

Balgruuf: Damnit! This isn't about gold!

Balgruuf the Greater discusses the concordat with his advisers

