The Legendarium

The yielding of Sunhold occurred during Aerel's Invasion, pacifying the Summerlands throughout the remainder of the conquest. 


After landing on the Summerset Isle the Arana did battle with the combined army of King Ayred II Caidan of the Summerlands and King Castien IX Liaren of Elorne. The battle, called the Sun's Dusk, saw the extinction of the entire Caidan line, and the submission of King Castien to Aerel Arana. Following the battle the Arana host marched westwards towards Sunhold to pacify the kingdom once and for all.

The Yielding[]

The Arana siblings marched to Sunhold, their gryphons in toe, with word of House Caidan's extinction long having reached the city. Erlan Torelle was left as castellan of Sunhold in King Ayred II Caidan's absence, and was faced with whether the garrison of Sunhold would mount a defence or surrender peacefully. As soon as Aerel arrived at the city, Erlan opened the gates and yielded Sunhold to the Arana forces.

As a reward for his peaceful submission, Aerel named Erlan as the Lord of Sunhold and High Kinlord of the Summerlands, giving House Torelle dominion of the region.


After securing the Summerlands, the Aranas began their march northwards toward the Vale, as they considered the various minor lords in the modern-day Crownlands to be a non-threat. This would give the various lords of the region time to meet and join their forces in common defence of their lands, creating the Sisters Pact.

On their way to the Vale, the Arana force was set upon in a night attack by King Saleth V Harlore's forces, which resulted in heavy losses for the Aranas.

